
Speeches and Presentations by Robert M. Smith on ADR Topics
Seminar on mediation to Law graduate students, University of Oxford.
Presentation in Nairobi, Kenya to executives of a multinational bank
Lectures on mediation to the United Nation’s International Labor Organization, Turin, Italy
Polish National Council of Legal Advisers and European Company Lawyers Association (in Warsaw)
International Bankers Association of California
International Bar Association (Amsterdam and California)
Law Society of Ireland (Dublin)
Oxford Mediation Group (Oxford, England)
International Bar Association Annual Conference
Presentation on Dispute Resolution in Financing Transactions International Society of Barristers
Presentation in Singapore to a multinational bank
Blake Lapthorn Tarlo Lyons (Oxford, England)
BP Collins (Buckinghamshire, England)
Campbell Hooper (London)
Cooley Godward LLP
Coudert Brothers
Davis, Wright & Tremaine
Dickinson Dees (Newcastle, England)
Eversheds (London)
Freshfields (London)
Fortune, Drevlow, Schmidt & Nakana
Herbert Smith (London)
Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin
Hugh James Solicitors (Cardiff, Wales)
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacCrae
Rainsurance Practice and the Law – Conference (London)
Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold
Steinhart & Falconer
Chief Legal Officers (London)
Alameda County Bar Association
American Bar Association/American College of Civil Trial Mediators/
International Academy of Mediators National Institute
(Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills Training)
American Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference (Washington, D.C.)
(Chair of Plenary Session: Adapting Domestic Mediation Skills to International Settings)
Bar Association of San Francisco
Barristers Club (San Francisco)
California State Bar
Marin County Bar Association
Monterey County Bar Association
Napa County Bar Association
Santa Clara County Bar Association
Solano County Bar Association
San Francisco Bank Attorneys Association
San Jose Bank Attorneys
Presentation on Advocacy in Mediation, London
California State Automobile Association
Farmers Insurance Company
Remarks on Mediation to Alumni Association of HEC School of Management (Ecole HEC), Paris.
Participant in Dispute Resolution course at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Seminar on Mediation–Past, Present and Future–School of Law, Pepperdine University, London.
Panelist on “ADR in Insurance-Related Litigation” -The Recorder/American Lawyer Media.
Society for Computers and Law, London.
IT Dispute Resolution Forum, London.
Resolution of IT Outsourcing Disputes, London.